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- National and Private Issue Venturing Badges
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National and Private Issue Venturing Badges
In August of 1998, the Boy Scouts of America established the Venturing Division. Exploring which was established 40 years earlier had been the last new Division. With the establishment of Venturing, the career-path Exploring program was moved to a subsidiary of the Boy Scouts of America called Learning for Life.
Crew Office Insignia
When Venturing began, the four youth and three adult positions carried over from Exploring. They were:
- Youth Positions
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Adult Positions
- Advisor
- Associate Advisor
- Crew Committee
These positions had been a part of Exploring since 1959 and had been round red badges as today's Advisor badge since 1987 (an Exploring emblem change occurred in 1990). However, with the change to Venturing, the youth badges and Crew Committee badge were changed to white backgrounds with Venturing green borders. The Advisor and Associate Advisor badges stayed red.
In 2000, Venturing introduced a Crew Committee Chair badge with a white background and green border. This badge and the Crew Committee badge were changed to red in 2001 so that all adult badges would be the same.
In 2006, three additional youth positions were shared by Amy DiFrancesco, 2005-06 National Venturing
New Positions Added to Venture Crew Leadership
- New Youth Positions
- Crew Guide
- Crew Historian
- Crew Quartermaster
A Unit Award of Merit was introduced in 2010 which replaced the Advisor Award of Merit. Along with this new
award came special position patches, one of which was for Advisors earning the award.
Other Youth Office Insignia
As a carry over from Exploring, Venturing also had National officers. These were the National and Regional Venturing Presidents. Beginning in 2001, the National Sea Scout Boatswain became a member of the National Venturing Cabinet so that position badge is included here for completeness. Additional Venturing President position badges have been added in recent years. The current different position badges in Venturing introduced through 2008 are:
- National Venturing Cabinet
- National Venturing President (2000)
- Regional Venturing President (2002)
- National Sea Scout Boatswain
- Other Venturing President Positions
- Area Venturing President
- Council Venturing President
- Venturing District President
The National, Regional, Area and Council Venturing President badges have green metallic borders.
In 2011 with the release of the Venturing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), BSA has begun to add additional position patches. At this time (Nov. 2011), the Area and Regional patches are available and the National Sea Scout Boatswain was no longer a member of the Cabinet. These include in addition to the President patches:
- Area and Regional Positions
- Area Venturing Vice President
- Area VOA Member
- Area Advisor
- Regional Venturing Vice President
- Regional VOA Member
- Regional Advisor
In 2012, BSA issued right sleeve VOA patches. The design BSA used was what Dr. Craig Murray originally designed in 2006.
- Right Sleeve VOA Patches
- Council Venturing Officers Association
- Area Venturing Officers Association
- Regional Venturing Officers Association
- National Venturing Cabinet
In 2016, BSA added two new adult position patches: Area Associate Advisor and Chartered Organization Representative (COR)
It appears that BSA liked the design of the Venturing COR patch that Craig Murray provided to the Venturing community from 2008 to 2013.
Other Adult Office Insignia
In 2008, new Council and Area position badges were introduced. In the past, Venturing leaders had to wear Boy Scout insignia for these positions. The three new positions are:
- Other Council and Area Offices
- Council Venturing Committee
- Council Venturing Chairman
- Area Venturing Committee
At the same time the above badges were made, the Venturing Division also made Region position badges and an another Area position badge. These badges were only given to adults that held these positions and were not available through National Supply. The three positions are:
- Other Region and Area Offices
- Area Venturing Chairman
- Regional Venturing Committee
- Regional Venturing Chairman
Along with the youth position patches introduced because of the SOP, at least the Area Advisor patch is available. Council and Region Advisor patches and Associate Advisor patches would be expected at a later date. With all likelihood, the various Venturing Chair and Committee patches will be discontinued.
The Nature of Leadership
This is a three phase training program to develop a Venturer's leadership skills. The first phase is the
Venturing Leadership Skills Course which was introduced in 1998. In 2001, a VLSC strip was introduced.
The strip is similar in size to the Trained strip and is worn in the same location; below the office badge
on the left sleeve.
The second phase is Kodiak. The original name for Kodiak was Nature of Leadership which began in 2001. In
2004, the course was renamed Kodiak and Kodiak X Medal in 2005 a Kodiak badge and medal were introduced.
In 2006, a Kodiak Staff badge was added.
(Thread Background)
(Metallic Thread Background)
The third phase is Kodiak X. The badge for Kodiak X and Kodiak X Staff were introduced in 2007 (view)
along with a medal.
(No Issued)
All Nature of Leadership badges are intended for Venturers only. Adults, who have taken the Kodiak/Kodiak-X Course Directors Course and are promoting Kodiak or Kodiak X course, may temporally wear the medal.
In 2011, VLSC was dropped and in its place is Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews (ILSC). Instead of the VLSC patch, BSA choose to use the regular Trained patch. Kodiak was changed to Kodiak Challenge and Kodiak X was dropped. Any new emblems for Kodiak will not have the Venturing logo since Kodiak is now considered to be a scouting leadership training, not just Venturing.
Learn more about Kodiak:
What is Kodiak? - Dr. Craig Murray
The Roundtable positions were reintroduced when Venturing began. Exploring had been using the term Program Planning Conferences since 1969. The two new badges were:
- Venturing Roundtable
- Venturing Roundtable Commissioner
- Venturing Roundtable Staff
To celebrate 100 years of scouting, special commissioner position badges were issued. The first issue mistakenly used the word Venture instead of Venturing. Few if any of the mistakes were issued.
Note one uses the term "Venturing" while the other uses "Venture".
Note one uses the term "Venturing" while the other uses "Venture".
Private Issues
Ranger 1944-51
For the most part, private issue Venturing badges have been created to promote Venturing and to fill with patches that BSA does not make. One of the first badges created was a replica of the original Ranger award badge which has a powder horn in the center of the badge.
The badge was designed to be used as a Crew emblem, an emblem to signify completion of Powder Horn, or the earning of the Venturing Ranger award. It was first made in 2003. A slightly larger variation of the patch was made later replacing the word Venturing with Powder Horn.
Venturing Trained Strips
Also in 2003, a Venturing Trained strip was developed. Officially, Venturing leaders wear the tan and red strip used in all of scouting. These strips are white with a green border and a simplified Venturing logo. In 2008, the strip was changed to fully embroidered with a true Venturing logo. More recently, a red Trained strip has been added. The red patch is useful because now that VLSC has been changed to ILSC, Wood Badge Venturing Staff Trained strip is the patch given for completion of ILSC. So the green and white Trained strip is a good color for Venturers and the red one a good color for adults.
Wood Badge Youth Staff - OBC
In 2005, Dr. Craig Murray held the position of Venturing Advisor on a Wood Badge course. To recognize the youth
that supported him, he was asked to develop a special patch for the youth staff. This patch was approved by
Old Baldy Council. Because of a minimum ordering requirement, extra patches were available for a number of years.
Commissioner Badges
Several Commissioner badges have been created using the Venturing logo instead of a Boy Scout logo. No other details are known at this time.
"Wear the Green"
In 2004, Jim Hunter wanted to build the Venturing program so he and some others developed a plan which included the WEAR THE GREEN - JOIN VENTURING badge in both green and gold borders. It was a nice promotional badge because it had a button loop at the top making it convenient to wear when first received.
Kodiak Strips
Although there already was a badge for Kodiak issued by National, Venturing leaders who were involved with Kodiak wanted to have a Kodiak strip analogous to the VLSC strip. At the end of 2006, the strip with the Kodiak logo followed by the word Kodiak was made. In 2007, a Kodiak X strip was added (view). The design changed slightly by putting the Kodiak logo after the word Kodiak and including an X behind the logo. This strip has a green border for participants and a gold border for staff. Ten were made with a red border for course directors. The red border strips have only been given to those very involved with Kodiak X and were not for sale. In 2008, a Kodiak strip with a gold border for staff was added.
Course Director
Venturing Officers Association (VOA) Patch
At the end of 2006, a Venturing Officers Association patch was created with the suggestion that it would be worn in place of the Venturing Emblem badge. This badge uses the Venturing Silver award eagle as the central image and was originally made with a gold border. In the latter part of 2008 when the first run of the VOA patches sold out, a new issue was made with a silver border to match the shoulder loops used at the council level. BSA adopted this design in 2011 and they are now available from BSA.
Venturing World Jamboree Badge
In 2007, a Venturing World Jamboree badge was developed for the World Jamboree Crews. The badge was made with a white border and a purple border. Four Crews attended and three wore the white bordered badge on their right sleeve. The white border was for uniform wear and the purple border was for trading. White and purple colors were used to represent the colors of the World Crest.
Venturing 10th Anniversary
10-Year Veteran
At the beginning of 2008, a set of badges that celebrate the 10th anniversary of Venturing were created. They were designed to be worn in place of the Venturing Emblem badge on the right sleeve. The emblem has an X (Roman numeral for ten) behind a Venturing logo. The idea came from the design used for the 10 year Veteran's badges which had an X behind a First Class emblem and issued from 1920 through 1953. The border for the X is either green or red. One Venturing leader suggested that the green represent the youth and red represent adults since this would be consistent with the convention for Venturing badges of office. However, the original reason was because of requests.
Area VOA and Chartered Organization Representative (COR)
In 2008, in cooperation with Regions that were developing Area Venturing Officers' Associations, an Area VOA patch was developed. The first set of Area VOA patches had metallic gold borders. The second set have gold borders, but not metallic.
At the same time, a Chartered Organization Representative (COR) badge for Venturing was made. BSA does not make one because it feels that the tan Boy Scout COR covers the position for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturing.
National Venturing Cabinet
In 2009, a patch similar to the VOA patches for the National Venturing Cabinet was developed. They were presented as concept patches to the Cabinet but were quickly approved. They can now be worn by the National Venturing Cabinet. A few sets of VOA, Area VOA and National Venturing Cabinet patches were put aside and made available to the Venturing community and are still available.
Course Director Conferences (CDC): Kodiak and Powder Horn
To promote both Kodiak and Powder Horn Course Director Conferences (CDC), trainers were provided with CDC patches for both courses. Since adults can only wear the Kodiak medal when promoting their course, the Kodiak CDC patches were well received. Both of these patches have only been made available to trainers who put on CDC courses.
LDS Badges
Doug Livingston is involved with LDS units. To promote support between Crews and Troops, Doug developed a Troop Guide badge using the Venturing colors. In 2008, Doug also had a Region Venturing Committee badge made.
Another LDS badge that had been available, was a badge for the position of Bishop. This was developed in 2005 and was available through 2008 from but that site is no longer operating.
Special Position Patches
Steve Porch was an Advisor who enjoys making others feel important by providing special position patches. For many years, he made these patches available to those who contacted him, however he no longer provides any of these patches.
Trained Strips
Towards the end of 2008, John Green started making various Trained strips which included a nice red Venturing Trained strip. The strips are available by contacting John.
John has since added Trained Trainer strips.
In 2014, John added a Recruiter strip for both Venturing and Sea Scouts.
BSA Centennial
The 100th anniversary of BSA scouting brought out another pair of patches by John Green. They are very nice looking but are no longer available.
National Jamboree Staff
A Venturer on National Jamboree staff, Lee Morin, had this patch made especially for Venturing jamboree staffers.
Venturing 15th Anniversary
For the 15th anniversary of Venturing in 2013, a set of patches were created. The XV were ghosted behind the Venturing logo and the V in the logo was used in the design.
Venturing 20th Anniversary
For the 20th anniversary of Venturing in 2018, a set of patches was created - one using the "20" designator in the background with a Venturing logo in the foreground and the other with a Roman numeral "XX" with a ghosted Venturing logo.
Venturing 25th Anniversary
Venturing celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2023. A set of patches was created, based on the 20th anniversary patch (with the "20"
numerals). One of them incorporates a silver bar at the bottom to mimic the color bars historically used on troop unit numbers.
For examples on color bars, see:
troop unit numbers: (Dr. Murray's page at
BSA Centennial: Venturing Ring
A popular BSA patch was the 100th anniversary ring patch that went around the World Crest. In 2015, John Green developed a nice one for Venturing which can be obtained by contacting John.
Dr. Craig Murray issued patches that incorporated the ring and the World Crest as a single patch.
Dr. Murray followed with patches for Venturing's 20th and 25th anniversary.
20th Anniversary
20th Anniversary - Error
25th Anniversary
- This information is due in part to the support of Sharon Aycock from the National Venturing Division.
Badges/Patches from:
- John Green
- Doug Livingston
- Lee Morin
- Dr. Craig Murray
- Jim Hunter
- Steve Porch